Physics 50
Module 3


Harvey Mudd College

Week 2

  1. Overview of Week 2
  2. Why we measure \(x\) over a range of \(L\) values
  3. Data Collection
  4. Checkpoint 2

Overview of Week 2

This week we will being our investigation of how the distance \(x\) to the first bright spot depends on \(L\), which will ultimately lead us to obtain an estimate of the wavelength \(\lambda = d \frac{x}{L}\). Our approach will be to plot \(x\) vs. \(L\) and find the best fit line to that data. Based on the background theory presented last week, the slope of the line will equal the ratio \(\lambda/d\) of the wavelength to the grating spacing. Let’s start with a practice calculation.

Miniquestion 1: Calculating wavelength from slope

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Why don’t we just always get \(\lambda\) by measuring \(x\), determining \(\lambda= d \frac{x}{L}\) for each measurement and then averaging those? Consider this: what if there is a systematic uncertainty in \(L\), eg. due to accidentally measuring to a baseboard or because your ruler didn’t start at zero? Then plotting a line will still give the correct slope, while the individual \(\lambda\) values would each be systematically off. The line would have a non-zero intercept that would tell you about the systematic shift in \(L\), as shown in the plot below, where the fitting parameter \(b\) shown in the legend is clearly not equal to zero.

basic setup

Nevertheless, it is useful to do a very quick “back-of-the-envelope” check to make sure that your value for wavelength is roughly in the range you’d expect (600-700 nm). Go back to the data you collected last week. Pick a single value of \(x\) and \(L\) and check whether the value of \(d \frac{x}{L}\) lies within the range you expect for the wavelength. (Hint: the wavelength of red light ranges from 620nm-700nm.)

Why we measure \(x\) over a range of \(L\) values

One of the most important ideas we want you to take from Module 3 is to think of a data set as a whole, not as individual points.

In the “back-of-the-envelope” check you just did, you measured \(x\) at a single value of \(L\). But \(L\) provides us with an independent variable that we can control, so by measuring \(x\) over a range of \(L\) values, we can create a plot of \(x\) versus \(L\) data. Plotting the data and looking at the data set as a whole gives us confidence in our ability to determine \(\lambda\), since it allows us to fit the data to the theoretical prediction in a more robust way.

Thinking back to the theoretical prediction \(\lambda = d \frac{x}{L}\), let’s rewrite that equation in a more suggestive form \begin{equation} x = \left(\frac{\lambda}{d}\right) L + 0 \end{equation} where we have added zero to the right hand side. This should look familiar, it’s the equation of a straight line (classic “\(y=mx+b\)”). That is, if we plotted \(x\) versus \(L\), we’d get a slope \(m=\lambda/d\), and an intercept \(b=0\). There’s an added power to treating the data set as a whole in this way because if our data has an intercept that isn’t zero, then that would suggest a systematic error that shifted our measured values!

How do we extract a slope and intercept from our measured data? You have previously fit a horizontal line, but now you will fit a line with a nonzero slope. To understand this fitting process, you now need to carefully read the curve fitting guide. In it you will find a MATLAB script that includes a linear fit with both an intercept and a slope.

Please read the curve fitting guide before answering the following miniquestion.

Miniquestion 2: Interpreting a weighted linear fit

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Data Collection

This week you will collect data only for the 500 lines/mm grating spacing.

When collecting data this week we would like you to take into consideration the sources of uncertainty you explored in Week 1 and do your best to minimize uncertainty and randomize systematic error by resetting the sensitive parameters between each trial. Please take a moment right now to go back to Miniquestion 3 from Week 1 and review your answers to determine which parameters you need to reset and which you don’t.

To collect your complete \(x\) vs. \(L\) dataset, make sure to do the following:


Checkpoint 2

You should submit the following on Gradescope:

Grading rubric

The tentative rubric that will be used to evaluate this deliverable is provided below. Please keep in mind that these rubric items are subject to change as we can never foresee all the issues that may arise. This is meant to give you a sense of how it will be graded. You can click on the rubric to enlarge it.

The checkpoint will be graded out of 15 points.

Results Rubric

Results Rubric


And to double-check, make sure you have finished all of this week’s mini-questions by checking here

When you’re all finished and ready to move on, you can start Week 3.