Physics 50
Module 3


Harvey Mudd College

Module 3

Module 3 Overview

Weekly Plan

Module 3 Overview

Learning Objectives

  1. Use a weighted fit of a data set to draw conclusions

  2. Minimize and account for several sources of error in an experiment

  3. Appreciate that theories are approximations of the physical world and may require refinement

  4. Communicate approach, reasoning and results through a scientific poster

In module 3 we will use a ruler to measure the wavelength of light and test a theory.

Weekly Plan

In this module you will use the spacing between diffraction maxima to measure the wavelength of a laser pointer (provided). We will continue to investigate sources of uncertainty and the iterative process of comparing our results with theory. In this module you will collect data using a kit that we have provided (mailed to you). Please reach out to your instructors if there are any issues with your kit.

Module 3 is four weeks long. Each week, except the last week, you will have a checkpoint due. These checkpoints will give us a chance to provide you feedback as your work towards the Module 3 deliverable: a scientific poster that effectively communicates your results including how the data was collected and analyzed. In this module you should start with Week 1, and the relevant concepts will be linked in context as you go along through this and other weeks.

  1. Week 1 - Exploratory Phase
    • Checkpoint: a two panel figure that showcases your results from exploring a significant source of systematic error in the experiment.
  2. Week 2 - Data Collection
    • Checkpoint: A figure showcasing your results from the 500 lines/mm grating
  3. Week 3 - Further Data Collection
    • Checkpoint: A figure that allows comparison of your results from the 500 lines/mm and 1000 lines/mm gratings.
  4. Week 4 - Scientific Communication Phase
    • Deliverable: a sequence of figures communicating your results from the module.